What's New in X-Particles
X-Particles Update July 3rd 2020
This is a major enhancement to X-Particles with many additional features and improvements.
You can see the new features since the last public release on a page where you see this image:
New objects
- Blend modifier: blend particle properties
- Flocking object (completely new version)
- Join object: enhanced version of the Cinema 4D Connect object
- Negate modifier: turn off internal flags and constraints
- Ocean object: generate simulated oceans
- Push Apart modifier: keep particles apart from one another
- Scatter object: scatter objects over scene objects
- Sticky modifier: stick particles to scene objects
- new emission modes, Simulate and Motion
- threshold setting for vertex map emission
- new offset channel for texture emission
- unified questions list with icons for each mode
- unified modifiers list with icons for include/exclude
- new rotation mode, 'Face Screen'
- new gradient display mode for rotation
- new physical data user value
- new shot modes for regular and hexagon emission
- this is the old xpDomain object completely revised
- legacy smoke and fire removed
- new APIC solver in addition to FLIP
- rewritten collision system
- new solid objects options
- new sticky objects
- new CFL and resampling options
- new trail display for velocities
- new allow inflow and liquid surface options
- updated container size options
- new display options including trails display mode
- new OpenGL display (only in Cinema 4D R21 and earlier)
- new CFL and substeps options
- rewritten collision system
- new vorticity and turbulence options
- new upres options
- completely rewritten user interface
- can now layer different modes
- new modes: vertex map, curvature, ambient occlusion
- support for parametric objects
- new effects options
- completely rewritten user interface
- can now layer different modes
- new modes: turbulence, curl, ExplosiaFX, surface, fields
- updated export settings
- new trail display
- new shader mode gradient option
- new questions: direction change and user value
- sub-question object removed, only the standard question object is now used
- control actions added for new modifiers
- new rotation mode added to Spin modifier action
- physical data support added to Change Group action
- new output to console action
- new collider bounds render
- new xpFlowField trails render
- new xpFluidFlip velocities render
- new curl mode
- new symmetrical option
- new trail intersection system
- new list view of cached items
- new retiming options
Other modifier and object changes
- xpDynamicParticles auto-fade option
- xpMultiSpawn start at age and offset options
- xpExplode new timing options
- xpLimitModifier support for particle user value
- xpNetwork trail intersection system
- xpAvoid can now avoid splines
- xpSplineMesher new growth slider and vertex colour support
Other changes
- token support added
- additional X-Particles preferences
- new icons
- new scheme colours