Action: Branching Modifier

This action gives control over a Branching modifier.


The Action's interface looks like this:


Branching Modifier

This field accepts a Branching modifier which you drag into the field from the Object Manager. Without a linked modifier, you cannot access any of the other parameters and the Action will have no effect. In addition, in the modifier's interface the Mode parameter MUST be set to 'Action-controlled'. If it is set to 'Independent' the modifier will simply work on its own like any of the standard Cinema 4D modifiers and the Action will have no effect on it.

Effect on Particle

This drop-down menu has two modes:

Modifier Will Affect Particle

In this mode the modifier will start to influence the particular particle which is affected by this Action. Once the particle is influenced by a modifier, that influence will continue until the effect is turned off (e.g. by another Action).

Note that whether the modifier actually has any effect on the particle will depend on the modifier's parameters and especially on its falloff. Even if the modifier is set to effect a particle, it may have no effect on it if the particle never enters the field of effect of the modifier.

Modifier Will NOT Affect Particle

In this mode, the modifier's influence on the particle will be turned off and the modifier will never affect the particle, unless it is turned back on again (e.g. by another Action).

Force Branch

If checked, then when the action is triggered, it will force the modifier to branch immediately from the particle, rather than waiting until the time until the next branch has elapsed.

Important: for this to work, you must ensure that the Branching Modifier is already activated BEFORE a 'Force Branch' action is triggered. In other words, you must have turned the modifier on (as it must be in action-controlled mode) before triggering a 'Force Branch' action. You cannot use the same action to turn on the modifier and force a branch simultaneously.

Groups Affected

Drag any particle group objects into this list. If there is one or more groups in the list, only those particles which are in those groups will be affected by the action. But if there are no groups, all particles will be affected by the action.